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Financing the Energy Transition

Taking E-FWD on the road for the first time, we arrived in Scotland's capital city and green finance hub.

Financing the Energy Transition turned its attention to the roadblocks in securing the finance required to drive energy forward quickly.

By considering questions such as how to overcome these financial roadblocks and learning from successful case studies, our event in the heart of the city aimed to answer these questions and more as we unfurled the #tents and utilised E-FWD workshops with special guests, excellent networking, and first-class hospitality.

Workshop 1

De-risking Innovation

What is the best way to help companies evolve and how can small companies navigate the 'valley of death'? Exploring the limitations of private risk capital, how to find funding and the challenges of new technologies. 

Workshop 2

Industrial Policy

Is the only way forward through government support? How can the UK prevent more delays, cost overruns and improve delivery success? Examining novel government funding approaches.  

Workshop 3

Markets for the Long Term

Is there still a need for public markets to deliver energy investments? Companies needs funds to carry out activities, but perhaps the future lies with private markets rather than public. 

Ed Balls headshot

E-FWD welcomed Ed Balls

Ed Balls, economist and former Labour Shadow Chancellor, opened our event with a fireside chat hosted by Ed Reed, editor of E-FWD. We also heard from The Rt Hon Stephen Flynn, MP for Aberdeen South.

Afterwards, attendees were given the opportunity to join their chosen workshop.

Later, workshop reflections and political commentary gave attendees the chance to listen to workshop outcomes and put their questions to the panel.

Introducing our esteemed political analysts

Stephen Flynn 4
Daniel Johnson

An itinerary you couldn't afford to miss...

Participants took part in one of the topical workshops:

  • De-risking Innovation
  • Industrial policy and government support
  • Attracting Private Capital into UK Energy

Being part of Financing the Energy Transition means being part of E-FWD

Thank you for your interest in attending #FinancingTheEnergyTransition. This event was available for E-FWD Accelerate members. 

It featured targeted workshops, political commentary with special guests, and high-level networking opportunities.

This event was part of our quarterly E-FWD events programme, designed for leaders accelerating the energy transition.

In addition to events, E-FWD Accelerate members also get priority access to essential energy transition insights.

E-FWD enables you to:

  • Accelerate the energy transition
  • Unlock business-critical insights
  • Influence outcomes via connectivity

Ready to move energy forward? Please contact us via the form. We'll be in touch soon!

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